GPS Monster Scouter Wiki

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This section is where you'll define the families of monsters that routes can contain.

  • name - The name of the family, will be displayed at the top of the exploration screen.
"name": "Monster Family"
  • icon - The icon that will represent this family on the Family Circle.
"icon": "0001monst_ico.png"
  • types - ALL the types involved in this family, including all the possible forms.
"types": ["grass","poison"]
  • basicTypes - Only the MAIN types of this family, if they are different from the above.
"basicTypes": ["grass"]
  • eventFamily - Add only if this family should take part in one of the yearly events. Possible: "newyear", "Christmas"
"eventFamily": "newyear"
  • diffusion - How common this family is.
"diffusion": 0.8
  • frequency - How common eggs of this family are.
"frequency": 1
  • eggCycles - The amount of egg cycles the eggs will take to hatch.
"eggCycles": 20
  • eggSpecies - If not specified, the species used for eggs is the first one in the 'members' list. This can be used to change this rule.
"eggSpecies": "0001monst"
  • members - The members of this family and their level limits, in order. IMPORTANT: every possible level from 1 to 100 should be covered by at least one member.
    • id - The ID of the monster this member is.
    • minlvl - The minimum level this member can be encountered at.
    • maxlvl - The maximum level this member can be encountered at.
"members": [
	{"id": "0001monst", "minlvl": 1, "maxlvl": 20},
	{"id": "0002monstfriend", "minlvl": 16, "maxlvl": 36},
	{"id": "0003supermonst", "minlvl": 32, "maxlvl": 100}
  • items - Items that members of this family can be holding.
    • id - The ID of the item this family can hold.
    • prob - The likelihood of this item being chosen to be held.
"items": [
	{"id": "ItemToHold", "prob": 0.5}

Rare Families

This section is where you'll define the rare legendary families of monsters that routes can contain.

  • name - The name of the family, will be displayed at the top of the exploration screen.
"name": "legendarymonst"
  • icon - The icon that will represent this family on the Family Circle.
"icon": "0150legendarymonst_ico.png"
  • minlvl - The minimum level this family can appear at.
"minlvl": 70
  • members - the members of this family and their level limits.
    • id - The ID of the monster this member is.
    • minlvl - The minimum level this member can be encountered at, must be at least the "minlvl" specified above.
    • maxlvl - The maximum level this member can be encountered at.
"members": [
	{"id": "0150legendarymonst", "minlvl": 70, "maxlvl": 100}
  • items - Items that members of this family can be holding.
    • id - The ID of the item this family can hold.
    • prob - The likelihood of this item being chosen to be held.
"items": [
	{"id": "ItemToHold", "prob": 0.5}